Szóval van ez a problémám, hogy itt állok normális password manager nélkül, és akkor kapok egy ilyen levelet:
"Dear Olah Andras,
I cannot really read Hungarian, but your Asszem blog seems to be very
focused on online tools for a better life!
I just saw your recent post about Roboform and Keepass.
While software products are certainly an option, you could also
consider a web based solution. (Yes, I'm a tad biased …)
Clipperz is a newly launched online password manager that can do much
more than simply storing your passwords.
- ubiquitous access
- direct login to online services
- offline version (that can be easily moved to a USB drive)
- bookmarklet for quick data entry
- nothing to install or backup
- free and completely anonymous.
Clipperz lets you submit confidential information into your browser,
but your data are locally encrypted by the browser itself before being
The key for the encryption process is a passphrase known only to you.
Clipperz simply hosts your sensitive data in encrypted form and could
never actually access the data in its plain form.
I hope you could find Clipperz a valuable service and I would be
really honored to know your opinion of it, no matter if privately or
publicly on your blog.
I apologize for being so direct, but I'm really proud of what the
Clipperz team has accomplished and I cannot resist the urge to receive
feedbacks ..."
Na, ezt nevezem. Oké, hogy spam, mert nem kértem, oké, hogy nem tudja mit írtam, csak észrevette a Keepass és Roboform szavakat, de ennek ellenére pont egy valós problémámra kínál megoldást, ráadásul még udvarias is.
Úgyhogy ki fogom próbálni.
Ha valakinek már van tapasztalata vele, vagy szeretné kipróbálni maga is:
Asszem 2007.05.22. 22:14:52
\"Dear Olah,
I just saw your post mentioning Clipperz.
As I told you , I cannot read your language, therefore I\'m a bit
scared since the only words that I can recognize are \"spam\" and
\"viagra\" ...
So, I hope your post is not too critic of my bold, but honest approach.
This morning I decided to write you since your blog seemed to me a
good one (lengthy posts, several comments from your readers, ...)
I\'m not a spam robot, I\'m a human being and I like to talk to other
human beings.
I\'ve been working at Clipperz for 18 months and it\'s nice to have
other people looking into it.
Thanks for your kind attention,
best regards,
Feel free to contact me via any of the channels below for any further
keep it to yourself\"
Azóta váltottunk pár levelet, tényleg nem spam.
Úgyhogy hamarosan jön a Clipperz post (is coming soon :))
Surfin · 2007.05.22. 23:32:03
Asszem 2007.05.23. 00:11:51
Gyorsan regisztrálj 15 por.nóoldalon, hátha újra megtalál...
Surfin · 2007.05.23. 10:48:35
sohbet · 2007.05.23. 14:10:48
sohbet odalari · 2007.10.23. 03:14:42
Sohbet · 2007.12.13. 17:50:18